Berewood Primary School

The first of two schools to be built on site, Berewood Primary School provides children with an excellent education that instils in them a love of learning to take them forward joyfully in life.

The school is a stunning building with bright classrooms, additional learning spaces, the latest technology, and a library at its heart, all of which help to provide many opportunities for enrichment.

In addition to the standard curriculum, the school runs Forest School sessions to take advantage of the woodland nature reserve on its doorstep, and is fully accessible for all children, including those with physical and sensory needs or where English is not a first language.

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Located in Kentidge Way (PO7 3BE), the school supports children aged between 4 and 11 years old and is run by the University of Chichester Academy Trust.

The latest OFSTED report from 2017 rated the school as ‘Good’ overall, with ‘Outstanding’ leadership. You can read the full report here.

To find out more about the school please visit